Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Parisa's Thesis Context

context: distance, loss, inaccessibility, identity politics, home, isolation, homesickness, far-ness, alienation, paradox, inside/outside, visibility, displacement, memory, cultural barrier, books : the future of Nostalgia, getting back to place, bending homes, the art of intimacy, at a distance, falling off the map, home and away, Saffron sky, (In)visibility, an intimate distance, Art and visibility in migratory culture, Belonging, Conditions of Visibility, Displacement, Home truths, home-body-memory, Sacred distance, artists: zarina hashmi, Nikki S.Lee, Eleanor Antin, Nina Yankowitz, Do ho Suh, 

context: interaction, participation, performance:books: Art of engagement, Digital performance : a history of new media in theater, dance, performance art, and installation, Performing memory in art and popular culture, artists: Gary Hill, Kryzysztof Wodiczko, ....

context: photography, staged photography, portraiture, domesticity, books:Doing family photography, Domestic landscapes, Minor photography, On photography,  Phototextualities, Still moving : between cinema and photography, Believing is seeing, artists: Jessica Backhause, Julie Blackmon, Sophie Calle, Jennifer Hudson, Shadi Ghadirian, Jeff Wall, Rineke Dijjkstra, Stefano Scheda, Amy Elkins, Luigi Gariglio, Katy Grannan, Andreas Mader,Ji Weiyu and Song Tao, Zhang Peng, Liu Bolin, ....

context: Video art, Audio/video installation, projection:books:Illuminating video : an essential guide to video art, Jim Campbell material light, Video, artists: Bill Viola, Gary Hill, Jim Campbell, Felix Hess, Mary Lucier, Shigeko Kubota, Kryzysztof Wodiczko, Gordon Monahan, Angella Bullock, Brian Eno, Ryoji Ikeda,Yang Fudong, Yue Minjun, 

context: working with text, language, type, communication:Books:Mail art, communication à distance, concept, Non-required reading, Text and language,  artists: Bruce Nauman, Carl Andre, Ghada Amer, Zhang Huan, Xu Bing, ...

I'm also interested in the works of immigrant artists.

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