Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Molly Valentine Dierks' Thesis Outline (Tentative)

Part 1: 
Personal Experiences that led me to feminist studies as a means of trying to find a foundation for my work

Part 2:
Feminist Writers and Readings:
           General quotes and ideas that inspired me

Visual Artists who have inspired me for various reasons:
           Janine Antoni
           Mona Hatoum
           Louise Bourgeios
           Meret Oppenheim

Part 3:
Description of each Projects
Personal Experience Associated with Pieces- Memory, Storytelling

Feminist Writing behind each Piece
Gloria Anzaldua
Barbara McKennon
Mary Daly
Linda Alcoff
Judith Butler
Nancy Hartsock

Start with More Intellectual Pieces First and Move into More Personal then Mother and Child Pieces

Part 4:
Connection with audience

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