Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Context for Ann

Studies on the social effects of technology:
Sherry Turkle, Alone Together

Sarah Maslin Nir, “You May Now Kiss the Computer Screen,” New Your Times, 3/5/2013

William Gibson: “No Maps for these Territories,” science fiction writer who coined the term ‘cyberspace’, concerned with “making the conditions of the present accessible to people” through fiction.

Philip Auslander: “The Comedy of the Failure of Comedy,” “Live from Cyberspace”
Sarah Bay-Cheng
Roland Barthes, Camera Lucida
Susan Sontag, On Photography
Jean Baudrillard, Simulacra and Simulation

The rise of Spiritualism in response to advances the technologies of electricity and telecommunications:

Linda Simon, Dark Light: Electricity and Anxiety from the Telegraph to the X-Ray

Marina Abramovic and Ulay: Relation Works Series
Laurie Anderson: Home of the Brave
Paul Sermon
Krystof Wodiczko
Tony Oursler
Ed and Nancy Keinholz
Paul Pfeiffer
Nam June Paik
William Kentridge
John Maran
Janine Antoni
Andy Kauffman

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