Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Katies List

Emersion in collection research
Biking and traveling;
Connection to the land, plant identification and information research
Looking at the Overlooked
Cycles of plant life and human waste
Being everywhere and nowhere

Collage, Painting and Installation
Exploring an eastern sense of montage vs. western perspective
Disorientation of pictorial viewpoint and multiple pockets of space
Alchemy; a power or process of transforming something common into something special
Self-similarity and Fractal scaling
Stories and poetry (Flarf)
Movement within a still image

Processing; the way I learn and perceive information
Fracture parts of information vs. whole picture

Theories and Philosophies
Sublime, experience within a landscape
The slow movement

Parables of sunlight, Rudolf Arnheim
From A to X, John Berger
The Writing Life, Annie Dillard
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, Annie Dillard
Looking at the Overlooked, Norman Bryson
Gargantua, Julian Stallabrass
Reinventing Eden, Carolyn Merchhant
On Photography, Susan Sontag
Collage the Making of Modern Art, Brandon Taylor
Modern Painting and the Northern Romantic Tradition, Robert Rosenblum
Beautiful, Sublime, Making of paradise lost, Leslie E Moore
The Sublime, Simon Morley
The Earth has a Soul, C. G. Jung
Sticky Sublime, Bill Beckley
Walden, Thoreau
The Spell of the Sensuous, David Abram
Persist, Peter Clothier
A Natural History of the Senses, Ackerman
Becoming Animal: An Earthly Cosmology, David Abram
Six Memos for the Next Millennium, Italo Calvino
The Power of the Center, Rudolf Arnheim
Seeking Awareness In American Nature Writing, Scott Slovic
Writings, Agnes Martin
Secrets from the Center of the World, Joy Harjo



Camille Henrot
Jessica Stockholder
Andy Goldsworthy
David Altmejd
Sarah Sze

Collage Artists

Emilie Clark
Sandy Litchfield
Anselm Kiefer
Arturo Herrera


Itō Jakuchū
Per Kirkeby
Fabian Marcaccio
Katherine Mann
Morris Louis
Caspar David Friedrich

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