Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Context context context ! Mia

(This is a beginning list-- there are more,  I just can't place them all at the moment...)

Context in theory/writing:
Scale and meaning/the past,
Susan Stewart,  On Longing

Scale & Cuteness
Daniel Harris, Cute Quaint Hungry & Romantic

The Madeline-- remembrance
Proust, Swan's Way

Varying memories of the same event 
James Young, The Texture of Memory

Personal experience + objects + narrative + Memory
Orhan Pamuk, The Museum of Innocence/ the Objects of Innocence

Form & Meaning
Klaus Kripperndorff, The Semantic Turn


Recollection + accuracy
Simonides & the Memory Palace

Rachel Whiteread: Ghosts, casts of houses then torn down 
Do-Ho Suh;  Koren artist, issues of home, replicating home/parts of apartments 
Gregor Schneider; Home, empty, belongings outside of it – large scale 
Takashi Horisaki; Latex casts of doors, handles, parts of places 
Spencer Finch: Trying to recall the exact shade of Jackie O's pink pillbox hat 

Key words: memory, recollection, perception, longing, the intangible/ethereal 

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