Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Artist's Statements - GENERATORS + other stuff

Pained by the thought of writing your artist's statement?  Look no further...
Some of these sites will generate one for you - sometimes profound, sometimes humourous and ironic. Other links are articles/commentaries or advice for writing an artist's statement.

500 Letters - does a nice job of making quite a long statement, using your name, interests

Kyle Clements' artist's statement generator

Artybollocks Generator - automated creation of artist's statement

Artist Statement Generator 2000- automated creation of artist's statement

The Market-o-matic (1.0) - the site says, "crank out the crap"

In Defense of the Artist Statement - Robin Greason, May 2013
The Anti-artist-statement statement - Iris Jaffe, March 2013

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