Sunday, November 10, 2013

John G's context for thesis

John Gutoskey
3rd year Seminar Fall 2013

Thesis Context

Queer Theory and LGBTQ Studies
    Gender Trouble Judith Butler
    The Epistemology of the Closet Eve Kosofsky Sedgewick
    The Trouble With Normal Michael Warner
     A History of Sexuality, Vol. 1 Michel Foucault
     Dude, You're A Fag  C. J. Pascoe
    Queering Valentines, Prints, Objects, and Space
Liminality and Communitas
    Arnold van Gennep
    Victor Witter Turner
Shamanism/Queer Personae/Threshold People
    Michael Tucker
    Mircea Eliade
    Michael Taussig
    Lewis Hyde The Gift--gift giving
    Sacred Art and Space
    Ritual and Ritual objects
Printmaking, Assemblage, Installation, Performance
    James Bidgood photographer, film artist, Pink Narcissus
    Steven Arnold tableau photographer, performance and film artist
    James Hampton The Throne, outsider installation artist
    Loy Bowlin The Rhinestone Cowboy, outsider installation artist and performer
    Felipe Jesus Consalvos healer, cigar band artist
    Daryl Volcat Canadian contemporary queer artist  print and installation
    David Wojnarowicz painter, photographer, writer, performance artist, died of AIDS
    Andy Warhol silk screens/photo booth
    Robert Rauschenberg silk screens/prints
    Joseph Cornell assemblage artist
    Outsider art and outsider environments

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